#103 Drunk

Today’s story is 2359 words and can be found here:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/103.html Travis Review: This story could be summed up with the words “Money can’t buy happiness.” Frolov is a wealthy malcontent surrounded by sycophants. We watch him spend a night of debauchery in a restaurant with his lawyer as he insults the servers and destroys …

#037 Old Age

Find today’s 2,200 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/037.html Travis Review: Another title could have been “Men Who Had Behaved Badly.” Uzelkov is an architect returning to his hometown after an 18-year absence. He finds much of the town has changed and he has almost been forgotten about. What is interesting is the man who does remember him, …