#089 Hush!

Today’s story is 1104 words long and can be found here:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/089.html Travis Review: Today’s story is a great example of a man in love with the concept of being a writer, while everybody around him suffers (including himself) for his passion. This story reminded me of a combination of two previous passionate Chekhov characters …

#052 A Story Without An End

Find today’s 3373 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/052.html Travis Review Today’s story, like yesterday’s, starts off very Poesque with macabre atmosphere, dark rooms with flickering candle light, images of death and melancholy, and in this case, a suicide attempt. The story is also told in first person, which Chekhov doesn’t write in much (but Poe does.) After …