#139 Expensive Lessons

Find today’s 2389 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/.html Travis review: This is the story about a slob who likes the idea of being multilingual and believes himself to be superior to his tutor, but his ideals versus reality are very far apart. Typically when Chekhov has a character being cheated by wily peasants (Malingers) or used selfishly (Anyuta) I …

#035 In a Strange Land

Today’s story has roughly 1470 words:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/035.html Travis Review: It seems Alphonse Champoun has it made. The native Frenchman no longer tutors the wealthy landlord Kamyshev’s children since they’ve grown up and are leading successful military careers. He gets paid to “be properly dressed, to smell of scent, to listen to Kamyshev’s idle babble, to eat and …