#069 The Chorus Girl

Find today’s 2180 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/069.html Travis Review: It is interesting that this story is told in the past tense when Pasha “was younger and better-looking, and when her voice was stronger.” It seems like that line is a set up for things to go horribly wrong for the chorus girl, which they do. Confronted …

#068 Not Wanted

Today’s story is 2319 words long and can be found here:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/068.html Travis Review: This story could be called “How I Started Drinking” or “They Drove Me To Vodka.” Zaikin starts off the story by leaving the train station to his summer villa in a foul mood and he is not the only one as “a crowd …

#067 The Chemist’s Wife

Find today 2050 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/067.html Travis Review: The chemist’s wife in today’s story feels like a familiar Chekhov character. She is miserable, but can’t pinpoint the reason. “She felt bored, depressed, vexed . . . so vexed that she felt quite inclined to cry — again she did not know why.” In the …