#139 Expensive Lessons

Find today’s 2389 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/.html Travis review: This is the story about a slob who likes the idea of being multilingual and believes himself to be superior to his tutor, but his ideals versus reality are very far apart. Typically when Chekhov has a character being cheated by wily peasants (Malingers) or used selfishly (Anyuta) I …

#069 The Chorus Girl

Find today’s 2180 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/069.html Travis Review: It is interesting that this story is told in the past tense when Pasha “was younger and better-looking, and when her voice was stronger.” It seems like that line is a set up for things to go horribly wrong for the chorus girl, which they do. Confronted …

#027 Malingerers

Today’s story is 1379 words:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/027.html Travis Review: The last sentence could have easily been the title of this short, “The deceitfulness of man.” A wealthy general’s widow runs a clinic for the poor. While her liberal heart beats true for the impoverished locals in need, she is also a victim of their flattery. Her giving soul …