#143 Boys

Find today’s 2440 work story here. http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/143.html Travis review: This story is full of childhood innocence and adventurous grand ideas. Chekhov sets the scene for the most perfect Russian family when not only the parents and siblings are excited about the Volodya’s return from school, but so is the dog. “Bow-wow!” barked the huge black dog, Milord, …

#091 An Incident

Find today’s 1910 word story here:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/091.html  Travis review: We have another story with children protagonists, and like most of the other tales, the kids learn a lesson about the adult world. In this case the lesson is about death and the callousness of adults. The brother and sister wake up to discover that the …