#121 Happiness

Find today’s 4000 word story here: http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/121.html Travis review Hmm. I wasn’t blown away by today’s story. An 80 year old shepherd and his grandson, Sanka, sit below the slumbering stars of the Milky Way as a herd of sheep sleep. Panteley, the overseer, comes up and listens to the old man’s tale of Yefim Zhmenya. …

#062 A Happy Man

Find today’s 1845 word story here:  http://www.chekhovshorts.com/stories/062.html Travis Review Today’s story made me smile. Like yesterday’s “A Gentleman Friend,” we are watching a foolish, fun-loving person. But unlike the calculative and shallow Vanda, I like Ivan Alexyevitch, as his mistake seems honest and he has several friends (gentlemen, I assume) who willingly stand up for the man. Chekhov …